How an Animated GIF Reached 7.7M Views

By: Amanda Nelson, Director, Community Marketing, Salesforce
January 28th, 2019

This is not a clickbait headline. This really happened. As a social media marketer, I was so excited (and frankly amazed) at the results that I had to share them. These numbers didn’t simply occur. It took multiple people. It took weeks. It took planning and research and probably some luck. But at the end […]

tips for photo shoots for social media

3 Tips for Optimizing Your Smartphone Photo Shoot for Social Media

By: Justin Joffe
December 26th, 2018

You’ve heard this a million times, but it’s still true—the majority of the tools you need to make your images pop on social are already in your pocket. Smartphones have an endless number of apps and native tools to improve image quality or highlight certain colors and textures you can use to optimize your shots […]

social media cheatsheet

Social Media Design Cheatsheet: Colors and Fonts [Infographic]

By: Colleen Lutolf
November 29th, 2018

Regardless of your design prowess, if you’re in the business of creating posts for social media, you need to know a bit about design. But this handy infographic from Make a Video Hub that lists the colors and fonts for all social media platforms in order of popularity may come in handy whether you’re a […]

At The Social Shake-Up