What's Shakin'?
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What’s Shakin’ on February 14
Social Shake-Up
5 Questions for #SSU2019 Keynoter Andrew Davis
When we asked best-selling author and Social Shake-Up 2019 keynote speaker Andrew Davis to share some of-the-moment social media insights, we assumed it would be via phone interview. But Davis did us one better—he crafted a video response that packs…
Employee Advocacy
How Vanguard Launched an Employee Advocacy Program in a Highly Regulated Industry
Kristin Thomas is the program manager for investment management company Vanguard’s employee advocacy efforts on social media, which, within a regulated industry, isn’t always the easiest task. Kristin, who is speaking at The Social Shake-Up May 6-8 in Atlanta, shares…
Featured Session: Brand Strategies for Instagram Stories, Going Live and IGTV

On Day 1 of The Social Shake-Up Show, Dropbox and American Cancer Society will share how to use Instagram Stories, IGTV and going live to engage your audience and tie campaigns back to business objectives.

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Facebook Provides New Transparency Around Ad Targeting to Users
Last year, Facebook announced that it would begin to penalize brands participating in non-consensual ad targeting. Now we finally have an idea of what that will look like. After making advertisers pledge that they have permission to upload a user's…
Download the Crisis Management on Social Media Report

Inside this free report, you'll find tips and case studies for avoiding, managing and resolving social media crises.

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Social Good
4 Best Practices for Social Good Campaigns
"Social good" is a buzzy phrase that has been circulating for years, but what does it mean in a social marketing practice? It's a broad umbrella term with different meanings in various contexts. For instance, some brands use it as…
About The Social Shake-Up Show:

The Social Shake-Up Show is an annual conference presented by The Social Shake-Up in partnership with Social Media Today and dozens of leaders in the marketing, PR and customer experience arena. The 2019 Show is May 6-8 at the Marriot Marquis in Atlanta.
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Questions? Contact Laura Snitkovskiy.