How Airbnb Teamed Up With National Geographic for the Ultimate Eclipse Experience
By: Ian James Wright
August 21, 2017
You can’t always do it alone. To capitalize on a huge trend or event, sometimes your brand needs the perfect partner. Such is the case with the 2017 total solar eclipse. The ultimate eclipse experience involves traveling to an ideal location and learning about the cosmic phenomenon under expert guidance, and Airbnb and National Geographic realized that they could make this a reality by working as a team.
Hence their epic eclipse contest: Two lucky people won a night in an observation-deck-equipped geodesic dome in the wilderness of Oregon, followed by a flight in a private jet to observe the eclipse from above any pesky cloud cover. A National Geographic astrophysicist and a photographer/science journalist signed on to provide expert knowledge along the way.
Naturally, the brands made the most out of the event on social media with live videos that encouraged audience engagement:
Facebook Live Q&A with National Geographic’s experts
Facebook Live eclipse coverage
Put this item on your to-do list: Brainstorm with your team about which outside brands could be the peanut butter to your jelly. If they’re not your competitors, there may be nothing to lose and everything to gain from a special promotion that harnesses your combined brand power.
Jasmine Atherton, head of social, Americas for Airbnb, will be talking about the solar eclipse live stream as part of her presentation in the Social Shake-Up webinar “How to Use Live Video – From Facebook to Instagram.” During the webinar, be sure to ask her more about coordinating with National Geographic!
Follow Ian on Twitter: @ianwright0101