Erica Marois

Content Manager
Erica Marois, UBM

With Erica Marois at the helm, ICMI’s social media presence and online community has flourished.

With her leading the way, ICMI’s social following has more than tripled. In 2017, engagement rates across all social channels—including Twitter, Facebook LinkedIn and Instagram—went up 74%, while impressions grew by 68%.

In 2013, Marois initiated the highly successful #ICMIchat, a weekly chat that now averages over 500,000 impressions each week and amassed 66 million impressions in 2017.

“Whether she’s creating how-to videos, a blog post or creative chat recap content, Erica keeps audience needs top of mind—using a healthy mix of data and intuition,” observed a colleague.

Marois has also been described as “a respected customer service thought leader and a sought-after speaker and author.”

The following is but a small sample of what chat community members have said about working with Marois. “We should all be thankful for Erica! She has done a great job building this community while providing outstanding thought leadership in the process,” stated @SeanBHawkins.

“Let’s thank Erica for her leadership, open-mindedness and eye for worthwhile customer service content. Erica runs #ICMIchat with intelligence and humor,” pointed out @LeslieO.  “Erica, you are amazing at your job, and we are all very lucky to have you managing this community, ” added another community member.