Don’t Miss a Holiday Campaign with This 2019 Hashtag Calendar [Infographic]
By: Colleen Lutolf
December 21, 2018
For the social media strategist campaigns around hashtag holidays, Sprout Social has just come through for you with this handy infographic that includes what appears to be every conceivable hashtag holiday in 2019.
#NationalPizzaDay is Feb. 9 this year, not to be confused with National Pi Day (#PiDay) the following month, on March 14, or #PieDay, which comes before the other two, on Jan. 23. While #AprilFoolsDay remains the same day every year, if you miss it, you get another bite at the prankster apple a few months later, on July 1, which is apparently International Joke Day (#TellAJoke). We’re kind of partial to Social Media Day (#SMDay), ourselves; but obviously, you can and hopefully in some capacity are creating your own. Here are some tips on that too, including when and how to split a hashtag, using upper- or lowercase letters and when it’s ok to break the rules (yes, there are rules).
See the full calendar here. Sprout also provides a Google Calendar download option so that the holidays are already built into your schedule.
Happy (Hashtag) Holidays!