What’s Shakin’: Content Marketing


4 Reasons LinkedIn Could Provide the Biggest Platform Payoff for Social Marketers

By: Brian Fanzo, Founder and CEO, iSocialFanz; Host of The Social Shake-Up 2019
February 19th, 2019

In 2019, the question of where marketers should focus their attention is overwhelming—not only because there is no one answer, but because networks, types of content and user behaviors are always evolving. Keeping that unknown quantity front of mind, I decided to reverse-engineer every client and business opportunity including my speaking business, influencer marketing consulting and […]

vanguard app in back pocket

How Vanguard Launched an Employee Advocacy Program in a Highly Regulated Industry

By: Kristin Thomas, Employee Advocacy Program Manager, Vanguard
February 11th, 2019

Picture this. It’s my first day at Vanguard and I am sitting in corporate orientation with many other new crew members (that’s what we call our employees). Far down on the agenda for the day, I read, “Social media policy discussion.” Considering that the basic goal of my job is to get more of the […]

email, app icon

3 Ways to Integrate Visual Storytelling Into Email Marketing

By: Lucy Kaplan
January 22nd, 2019

We are living in the opt-in age. Our inboxes are getting more cluttered by the day, and it can give a person serious anxiety to look at their phone and see a “50” next to their email app. So how do you break through? The key is by providing people with emails that draw them […]

content marketing trends 2019

Top 6 Content Marketing Trends for 2019

By: Lucy Rendler-Kaplan
December 27th, 2018

While we may not know what the New Year will bring, one thing is certain – content marketing is here to stay. It isn’t, however, staying the same–new tools emerge, thought leaders put new spins on old marketing tactics and individuals and businesses find new ways to cut through the online “noise” to make an […]

It’s Time for Social Teams and Content Teams to Play Nice

By: Mike Pilarz, LinkedIn
December 21st, 2017

As soon as I asked the question, things turned awkward. I was halfway through a content marketing workshop with the social team for a large enterprise. They were frustrated. They said they didn’t have the content they needed to succeed. I mentioned one of the company’s blogs that was not only actively publishing, but had […]

How Arby’s Uses Social Listening to Understand (and Delight) Its Audience

By: Jerry Ascierto
November 21st, 2017

To Josh Martin, social listening is as much an art as it is a science, equal parts data and gut instinct. The senior director of social media for Arby’s uses social listening techniques to monitor how the brand’s highly inventive posts are received—and translates the feedback into sharper content for the future. The Arby’s team […]

4 Ways of Using Vulnerability to Elevate Brand Storytelling

By: Brooks Thomas, Southwest Airlines
July 25th, 2017

Every time a SpaceX rocket launches, all eyes are on the Twitter feeds of @ElonMusk and @SpaceX. Space is fascinating and understandably risky, but it’s how those Twitter accounts convey information that speaks to the point of this article: Vulnerability is sometimes a valuable way to endear yourself to an audience. With each launch, heart […]

Keeping It Real for the 2018 Social Shake-Up

By: Jerry Ascierto
May 26th, 2017

If I had to pick one thought to summarize this week’s sold-out Social Shake-Up Show, it would be this: The lines between content and marketing are blurring so rapidly, the phrase “content marketing” is starting to become redundant. Words such as authenticity, experiential, immersive and storytelling were heard often during panel sessions and networking breaks […]

7 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing

By: Drew Neisser, Social Media Explorer
March 13th, 2017

It’s not that your content sucks…in fact, it might even be pretty darn good. It’s just that every minute of every day, there are 1,300 more blog posts, 360,000 more tweets, 1.7 million more Facebook posts and 2 million more videos uploaded to YouTube. And that only accounts for a few channels. Which means your […]

How Southwest Airlines Uses Social Listening to Produce Compelling Videos

By: Linda Rutherford, Southwest Airlines
March 3rd, 2017

New digital platforms are driving the evolution of communications departments into media conglomerates, generating graphic, video and other content for both broad and targeted audiences. The agenda spans from an annual horizon of what we need to communicate, all the way down to what just happened a moment ago online and whether there is an organic […]

At The Social Shake-Up